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Medication/Therapy Management

As it goes with life, it takes intentional actions to stick with a "style", method, process - Lifestyle.

You may be on medication to treat a chronic illness or you may have been prescribed a regimen to help you manage the illness. Adhering to the regimen means going from illness to wellness. You are living well despite your illness. It takes forming healthy habits to maintain a healthy lifestyle and this means making a decision every day to take action until it becomes second nature. See what the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has for you to help form healthy habits.

It is the same with keeping a positive rhythm or habit with medications that have been prescribed. What time of the day do you take them? With or without food? What happens if or when your experience adverse reactions? What happens if or when you miss a dose? Do you pay attention to your body's reaction to the medication(s)? If you are on more than one medication do you take them together or space them apart as instructed by your healthcare provider?

Do you have tools that help you keep this all together? You are the key and it takes a lot of self-awareness, but you do not have to be alone. The support of your healthcare provider, friends, family and of course a health coach, are all elements in your toolbox. Let them be a resource for you.

Your spiritual well being is also a huge factor in determining a positive outcome.

Take the first step, and then one day at a time, live well and be well.

Share some of the successes in your wellness journey. We would love to hear from you.

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